The National Science Foundation has selected Professor John E. Taylor to serve as a program director for three programs in its Division of Computer and Network Systems.
During the year-long appointment, which began on Sept. 12, Taylor will direct three programs within the division: the CIVIC Innovation Challenge program, the Smart and Connected Communities program, and the Cyber-Physical Systems program.
“We wish Dr. Taylor the best in this exciting assignment,” said Karen & John Huff School Chair and Professor Donald Webster. “This opportunity provides some exciting synergies with our four cross-cutting research areas.”
Taylor, who also serves as the School’s Associate Chair for Graduate Programs and Research Innovation, reiterated that the position at NSF aligns well with CEE’s four cross-cutting research areas. “Sustainable Systems, Resilient Infrastructure, Healthy Communities and Smart Cities are our core interdisciplinary research areas and were created to tackle the key global challenges we are facing where the School of CEE can make an impact. The programs I will direct at NSF cover a broad spectrum of research across the four cross-cutting areas.”
Taylor said that his position with the National Science Foundation will provide him and Georgia Tech with knowledge of the programs and policy matters at the Federal level.
“This position will provide me with an opportunity to make decisions on investments in each of CEE’s cross-cutting research areas while also participating in the planning, decision-making, and prioritization of future U.S. investment priorities in these areas.” Taylor said. “I am honored and excited to be able to serve the National Science Foundation in this capacity.”