Students may perform research at the undergraduate level under the supervision of a faculty advisor either for payment or academic course credit (not both simultaneously). CEE students typically do research in a professor's lab, under the guidance of the professor or an advanced Ph.D. student or post-doctoral assistant who works for that professor.
Students interested in undergraduate research should visit the Student Services Office (Mason Building, Suite 1220) to find out more details about the requirements.

How do I get started?
The best way to find research opportunities is to talk to your professors. Faculty members often do not advertise that they are looking for undergraduate student help. You can also read about current research topics on the CEE website. More information about faculty research areas and activities:
- Construction and Infrastructure Systems Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Geosystems Engineering
- Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials
- Transportation Systems Engineering
- Water Resources Engineering
Complete the Undergraduate Research Request Form.
In the case of research for payment, funding may come from a number of sources, including funding from a professor through one of their grants or contracts, the President's Undergraduate Research Award, and the Research Experience for Undergraduates program. CEE 2698 or CEE 4698 will appear on your transcript, but you will not receive a grade. You will not incur any tuition expenses for these "for-pay" courses. You also have the option to use research for 3.0 credit hours (CEE 4699) ONCE as a CEE technical elective.
Undergraduate Research - Degree Designation
CEE students also may pursue the Research Option degree designator. Research Option offers students the opportunity for a substantial, in-depth research experience. It offers students a taste for what long-term research can be like and provides extensive experience not found within a typical course setting. Students are strongly encouraged at the end of their experience to work with their faculty mentor to develop a journal publication or conference presentation on the research in addition to the actual thesis:
BSCE Research Option Description
BSEnvE Research Option Description
More information about undergraduate research activities elsewhere on campus is available from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program