Dr. Angshuman Guin, is a Principal Research Engineer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He returned to his alma mater to become a faculty member in 2007 after working in the industry for a brief period. Dr. Guin’s research is focused on finding an answer to the question: How do we enable and empower systems managers, researchers and users to make effective, data-driven decisions? His research attempts to find answers through innovations in the development of effective means of data collection, quality assurance, and processing to convert these data into informative metrics across a range of time-scales from near real time to decades. Dr. Guin's current research projects at Georgia Tech are broadly in the area of Freeway Operations, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Transportation Safety, Traffic Simulation and Data Management. Dr. Guin has presented his work in several international conferences and his work has been published in well recognized peer reviewed journals. He also serves on several standing committees of the Transportation Research Board including the committees on Information Systems and Technology, and Human Factors of Infrastructure Design and Operations and, in the past, has served on the committees on Highway Traffic Monitoring and Transportation Safety Management. He has served on the review committee of several journals including the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, the ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering and the Transportation Research Records of the TRB. In addition to maintaining an active research portfolio, Dr. Guin is a strong advocate of translating research into practice and is the co-founder of InstaData Systems, a data analytics company.
Intelligent Transportation Systems, Freeway Traffic Operations, Transportation Safety, Simulation, Connected and Autonomous Vehicle, Smart Cities, Big Data, Machine Learning and Deep Learning