The Eno Center for Transportation has selected third-year doctoral student Alice Grossman as a 2015 fellow.
Grossman will join a handful of other graduate students from across the country at the Future Leaders Development Conference in Washington D.C. this summer.
“The conference will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about transportation policymaking from the source by meeting and hearing from leaders in politics, industry, advocacy groups and think tanks,” said Grossman, who finished her master’s degree in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering last year. “I think the experience will provide invaluable insight for my dissertation research and play a role in what career path I choose.”
Grossman is working with Professor Randall Guensler on that research, studying how (and whether) Metropolitan Planning Organizations adjust their priorities and performance measures in light of changing federal transportation policy. She also will assess how political, environmental and economic factors along with historical investment priorities have shaped the planning agencies’ current performance standards.
The Eno Fellowship is the latest in a string of honors for Grossman in recent years including a Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship in 2014.
Grossman also joins a growing group of the School’s transportation engineering students who have attended the Future Leaders Development Conference as an Eno Fellow, among them: Jamie Fischer in 2014, Margaret-Avis Akofio-Sowah in 2013, and Josie Kressner in 2012.