Eight student groups had three minutes or less to make their pitch for new members in the newest episode of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering podcast.
Released Sept. 15 and available for download or streaming on Soundcloud, the Field Notes podcast features quick conversations about what each group does, when they meet, and what they offer members.
It’s like a portable club fair you can download and take with you.
The podcast features:
AEES – Association of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
Want to join? Visit the AEES Facebook page and click “Sign Up” to join the email list
Dues: $20 per year or $10 per semester
ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers
Want to join? Visit ASCE on OrgSync and fill out the membership form.
Dues: $35 per year / $20 per semester / $10 per semester for incoming freshmen or transfer students
ASHE – American Society of Highway Engineers
Want to join? Visit ASHE on OrgSync or email Lauren Gardner
Due: $20 per semester (includes membership in ASHE Georgia)
Chi Epsilon
You’ll receive an email invitation at the beginning of fall or spring when you become eligible for membership in this honor society. Membership is limited to the top third of each class.
Dues: $90 one time for lifetime membership (includes membership in national organization)
EWB-GT – Engineers Without Borders at Georgia Tech
Want to join? Application cycle at beginning of each fall and spring semester
$20 per semester
Geotechnical Society
Want to join? Contact any of the Society’s officers
Dues: $40 per semester
ITE – Institute of Transportation Engineers
Want to join? Contact any of ITE's board members
Dues: $40 per year or $20 per semester
Want to join? Email Sara Douglass
Dues: $30 per year (includes membership in WTS International)
Other organizations:
These groups couldn’t join us on the podcast, but are still worth checking out.
Construction Engineering Association
Want to learn more? Email CEA officers
EERI – Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Learn more at eeri.ce.gatech.edu.
Engineers for a Sustainable World
Learn more at www.esw.gtorg.gatech.edu